Certified SMS

At G729.es, we offer a unique service of Certified SMS, backed by our status as a registered operator with the CNMC (National Commission of Markets and Competition) and with a timestamp seal provided by the Casa de la Moneda y Timbre (Spanish Mint).

What is Certified SMS?

Certified SMS is a secure and reliable way to send legally binding text messages. Every time you send a Certified SMS through our platform, we generate a PDF file containing the message content and store it in your client area. Additionally, you will receive a copy of the PDF via email, providing you with tangible evidence of the communication.

How does it work?

  1. Recharge your account: You can recharge certification credits to your account for use in sending Certified SMS. Our user-friendly system allows you to quickly and securely make recharges.
  2. Send Certified SMS: Once you have recharged your account, you can send Certified SMS to any recipient. Enter the phone number, compose your message, and send it. We take care of certifying it and generating the corresponding PDF file.
  3. PDF files and email copies: All the Certified SMS you send will be automatically saved in your client area as PDF files, accessible at any time. Additionally, you will receive a copy of the PDF via email for convenience and backup purposes.

Benefits of Certified SMS:

  • Legal validity: With our timestamp seal and registration as a CNMC operator, our Certified SMS have legal validity and can be used as evidence in case of disputes or claims.
  • Security and confidentiality: We guarantee the security and confidentiality of your Certified SMS. We use advanced technologies to protect the privacy of your communications.
  • Documented evidence: Each Certified SMS generates a PDF file containing the message content and sending details, providing you with documented evidence of the communication made.
  • Online access: You can access your Certified SMS PDF files at any time from your client area on our website, giving you full control over your communications.

At G729.es, we take pride in offering the Certified SMS service, a reliable and convenient solution for your legal communication needs. Recharge your account and start sending Certified SMS today!